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                XCN8000 series intelligent electrical valve positioner

                Column:Technical article Time:2023-06-09

                1. Please read the installation instructions carefully before installing the locator. Install the locator according to the described installation requirements. Please pay attention to some installation points. For example, confirm the initial position of the feedback shaft of the locator or remote sensor before installation. Do not rotate the feedback shaft 360 ° during installation. For conventional straight stroke positioners, ensure that the upper plane of the positioner housing is at right angles to the valve spindle. Within the valve stroke range, the rotation angle of the positioner feedback rod meets the installation requirements.

                2. After installing the locator onto the valve, connect the air source and electrical cables. Ensure that the air supply pressure can fully open the valve. Power on the locator by inputting a 4-20mA signal.

                3. After the locator is powered on, the system is in an uninitialized state before completing the initialization function. The display flag is NOINI, and the first line of the interface displays the percentage value of the sensor.